The times have changed – Part 2
Posted on in Uncategorized · No CommentsI have been on a bit of a soul search but the times have changed. I had shared in a previous post – Times are changing – Part 1 that I have lived with five components that have guided me in life. These are what I call my Five Core Elements. These five are not what I do for a job or career, but rather surround me and makes me who I am and I have fulfillment. Any time an opportunity emerges, I compare it to my shopping list of five thing that make up who I am. These five are my personality DNA and has allowed me to do up to 14 projects simultaneously because all the projects lined up.
The reason I share that the Five Core Elements are important for you to consider, is because we go through life doing. We do but do we take the time to understand why? Many times we have fallen into the path and we are not sure how to emerge from it. What the Five Core Elements allows you to do is to take your path and current opportunities, and compare it to see how many does it hit. So when you do your Five Core Elements, think of it from an organic place of what really matters to you over trying to make it fit your current role or jobs.
Why change my Five Core Elements if they were already working? I really enjoy where I am in life and career but much like a hermit crab outgrowing it’s shell, it was time for a change. By re-writing my My Five Core Elements, I am able to now raise my head up and consider new opportunities that might be around me. Mine were Leadership (too broad); Storysharing (perfect and stays); Corporate and Community Relations (still important but needed to cycle out); Student Development (too narrow as I focus on not just students but professionals and organizations); and Community Do-Gooder (perfect and stays).
So what is the refinement of my new self? Well, it is not a new self but a more focused self.
• Servant Leader – to do what is right and do it with purpose and conviction. Leadership is not a place to be but rather a way of life. It is a part of being a facilitator
• Storysharing – I appreciate sharing stories, listening to other’s and their stories and creating a space of conversation
• Igniter and Activator – whether it is a person, organization or project, I roll up my sleeves and appreciate visioning how to be a part of it and help make success happen
• Champion and Enabler – this reflects on the support I can provide to people and organizations as I try and help them reach their full potential
• Community Do-Gooder – my commitment to never be a bystander in life and to look for ways to engage the community and be a supportive person
These new Five Core Elements are true to me. I now look forward to how these new Five Elements will support me in my journey, allow me to make a bigger impact and uncover new opportunities. So these are mine, what are yours? It takes great effort to come up with these words. Think of it as wanting to buy a suit or outfit and you are going back and forth to the change room until you look in the mirror and say, “Yes, that is it!” I wish you well on your journey of self-discovery and if you need an affordable coach to help you, call on me!
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